Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Keep Calm and Party On!

The 29th will be Kate and Wills 1st anniversary.  Last year their wedding gave us all an extra day off, and provided retailers the opportunity to make some more sales from all those royal celebrations going on up and down the country, and this year those parties are bound to be even bigger and even more British! By the looks of things many major retailers are hoping so, as stores from Next, M&S, to market traders are full of Union Jack memorabilia, and with the Olympic games not more than a hop, skip and jump on from the Jubilee it’s surely now the time to be patriotic, if you ever will be.

Here at The Dressing Room we have been pondering for some time whether to jump on the royal band wagon and stock our shelves high with bunting, flags and all things Union Jack, should we panic buy bulk quantities of Union Jack paraphernalia? Panic not, we do have a broad selection of Union Jack Items , yes we will be waving the flag, but we have alongside the Union Jack branded items some classically British Costumes, like our Pearly King and Queen to party alongside the guy in the Union Jack morph suit. So people of Canterbury, we are ready for the celebrations, are you? If not pay us a visit and we’ll see what we can do.

Today we had a group of students in who are dressing up for their friend’s birthday which happens to be on the 29th.  They are all dressing up as people who were at Kate and Wills wedding, fab idea! They have Kate, Will, the Queen, Police, Victoria Beckham, Elton John and a Nun amongst others. So maybe for your Jubilee celebrations you could dress up as a member of the Royal Family. Pop in to the shop and see if we can help, I’ll have to get cracking on a corgi costume…. Remember Keep Calm and Party On!!

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